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Year 2 Science Sound Investigation Lesson Plan

Year 2 Science Sound Investigation Lesson Plan

Learning Objectives: To understand how an investigation is carried out by taking part in a class investigation and by giving ideas and suggestions about how it could be carried out. To know how to carry out the skill of measurement – distance. To understand that sounds travel away from a sound source and become fainter as they do so. To understand that sounds from different sound sources vary in how far away they can be heard. This lesson gives children the opportunity to investigate how sound changes in relation to distance.
Y2 Science Lesson - Sounds

Y2 Science Lesson - Sounds

Learning Objective: To understand that a sound from a sound maker can be changed by changing how the sound is made, such as tapping softly, tapping harder, blowing gently, blowing harder etc. Relates to: National Curriculum Sc4 3c